Contact us
School address
The classes take place at the school building Bungertwies, Hofstrasse 62, 8032 Zürich. The entrance to the building is from Bungertweg.
Greek HSK-School Zurich, Bungertwies
Kindergarten – Primary School – Secondary School
School building Bungertwies
Hofstrasse 62, 8032 Zürich
Operating hours
Saturday 08:45 -12:30 (Students can arrive from 08:30 on.)
Teacher in charge, registrations
Eleni Kapouraki, mail@teg-zur-kernst.europe.sch.gr
Theodoros Kitsios, theodoroskitsios78@gmail.com
Board of the Parents Association
Email: info@griechischeschule-zuerich.ch
- President: Anastasia Mitropoulou
- Vice President: Kassi Antoniadou
- Secretary: Lilli Stergiou
- Treasurer: Georgios Tsimplidis
- Member: Theo Zachos
Contact form