Registration for the 2024-2025 school year has closed. Please note that the HSK courses are intended for children whose first language or family language is Greek. If this is not true, the registration will be cancelled.
The registration is valid for a full school year and it is binding by the payment of a deposit of 250 CHF. A registration is possible provided that the child is of school age (Swiss school system). Children already registered or children with registered siblings have priority in the registration. The rest of the registrations are considered in a first-come first-served basis. Registrations during the school year can be made in agreement with the teacher in charge of the school and the respective class teacher.
By registering your child and paying the aforementioned deposit both parents (separately) become members of the Parents' Association (Elternverein griechische Schule Bungertwies). The deposit is not refundable in the case of interruption of the studies, except for serious reasons, with a written request by the parents and before the beginning of the school year. The final amount of the contribution per student to the Association is decided every year at the General Assembly of the Association that takes place within the first three months of the school year. For the school year 2023-2024 the total contribution (including the deposit) was 450 CHF per student. For families with two children there is a 10% discount for the second child and for families with three or more children there is a 30% discount for the third, fourth child etc. The full payment of the contribution is usually made in February. If the student interrupts the studies during the school year, the amount to be paid shall be calculated based on the actual weeks of classes. The deposit cannot be returned.